Fitness Band

Microsoft Announces the Launch of a New Wearable Fitness Band


Microsoft has made a new announcement regarding the launch of their new fitness band, which will see the light of day in the upcoming weeks. Forbes reported. Sources which are familiar with the matter say that Microsoft has some big plans for their new wearable fitness band.

All those who are eager to purchase this band will be able to do so sometime around the holidays since the device will be stocked at retailers during the holiday seasons. The launch of their new wearable fitness band will mark 10 years since the Redmond-based company announced its SPOT, a smartwatch. That particular smartwatch used FM radio signals to send messages instantly from Windows messenger, but also to send stock information, news headlines and weather forecasts to user’s wrist.

MS Band

The band itself will have some smartphone features, but its main focus will be fitness activity. The new Microsoft Band will be able to track steps, monitor heart rate, burned calories and some other important fitness attributes related to health. The device will be able to do that thanks to many sensors which are embedded into the device.

The company has been conducting some tests to see if they can get the device to monitor heart rate during both, night and day. It is expected that the device will have a solid two days of battery life.

The most important part of the entire venture is that the band will be able to support iOS, Android and Windows Phone operating systems. The company is developing separate apps for each of the above mentioned operating systems. That will help to support the features of the band to be fully supported and recognized by everyone.

It is not very likely that Microsoft is going to brand the band under the Surface monikers or Lumina because the device will work across Android, iOS and Windows Phone operating systems. There were some images of the fitness band that emerged earlier this year, from which it is clear that the company is working on a 1.5-inch display which will have a removable wristband.

Microsoft Band Features Large

The band will probably have a huge success. We live in an age where we have finally become aware just how fragile health is, and that we should do everything in our power to keep it intact. Fitness bands are currently a hit, and they tend to gain more and more in popularity. Even though Microsoft isn’t primarily focused on wristbands, their focus on fitness features incorporated into this band could very well make a perfect product. That means that it will be perfect for people who are more into healthy living whether than having a band with many features.

Like already mentioned, the band will focus on fitness activities more than on some fancy smartphone features. Microsoft is on the verge of announcing its fitness band, and when that happens, more information will be revealed, including specifications, colors, design and more. Until then, we’ll just have to be patient and look forward to the new Microsoft product.


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