Samsung Gear IconX

Facts You Need To Know About Samsung Gear IconX


The Samsung gear IconX has been designed to have very unique and smart features. This smart device is packaged with three ear tips each of different sizes together with their wing tips. To activate them you just have to drop them in to your ears leaving no wires on the outside of your ear. Since they are wireless, you can be sure of zero inconveniences while working with the device on.

They were purposefully made tiny or rather small so as to eliminate any discomfort whenever you are on an exercise or while running your daily errands. Moreover, it has been designed in a manner that its parts can be dissembled to allow dusting and cleaning after they have been in use for a while. Cleaning them on regular basis will help them last much longer. Furthermore, if its parts were not removable or rather hard to dissemble, cleaning them could prove to be a rather hard task.

Features and specs

Among the features that the IconX has is the touch controls. In a way, it works in the same fashion as the Bragi Dash. One can easily take controls of actions such as skipping, stopping or pausing songs just by swiping on the touch pad. You will agree that touch controls are way much better than the manual controls.What will amaze you more are the specs that come with this device. It has an internal memory of 4 GB to load your type of music. With this kind of space, you can load up to one thousand and five hundred songs.

With IconX, you don’t have to worry about space and most importantly about how you will recharge it since it comes with a charging case. The charging case ensures that your ear-buds are always charged as long as they are in use. A more interesting fact is that you can switch functions from one ear-bud to the next. One reason you may need to do the switching is in an event where one of the ear-buds stops functioning. Also, you may switch controls from one of them to the next in case one of them runs out of battery charge.

Samsung Gear IconX Specs

The manufactures of this device considered installing it with a fitness tracking. With this capability, this device is in a position to keep accurate track of your heartbeat rate whether you are on a fitness program or on normal occasions. Moreover, it keeps track of your travels together with the mileage you have covered. After collecting all this information, the IconX device calculates to give accurate results of the amount of calories that has been burnt down.

Since this device has been synchronized with a Samsung health app in your device, it has the ability to sync the data that has been collected then later exports them to other similar but rather complex health application software. By doing this, you will get a couple more apps that will help provide you with information about your fitness program.

A much more interesting feature that comes with this device is its ability to provide feedback through a voice guide that has been engineered to sound similar to that of a LifeBEAM Vi hearable. Even with this capability, the device is still not in a position to provide very accurate insights as it was earlier promised. This however, does not in any way make the IconX device any less than any of its similar kind.

Before you think about purchasing this Samsung device, you must understand that they were engineered to work only with the android devices. This means that these ear-buds cannot work with other operating systems such as windows or the iOS devices. Moreover, the android version should not be anything less than version 4.4. Also, they work with devices that have a memory space of more than 1.5 gigabytes – RAM.

Battery Life

Battery life
One of the most important gears for the IconX is its charging case. Considering the fact that the ear buds won’t last long enough when streaming music directly from your phone, you must always carry the charging case with you. They can approximately last for three and a half hours if they are not playing music from your phone. It is a fact that the manufactures of this device did not give battery life an upper hand and this can inconvenience the user if they are out on their daily hassle for better part of the day.

Release Date and Price

This device is currently available in in a few countries. They are available in countries such as Germany, Australia, South Korea, Russia, Canada and France. It is currently priced at $199. This price is however viewed as being too high just for a pair of ear-buds but with the Dash currency, it is a little more affordable. But again, looking through all the amazing features that come with this device, you cannot think less than how the price set on them is worth.


This is a new device that is taking the market at a surprise. It is worth a try; you will witness its benefits and amazing features.


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