Phone Sized Wearable

Phone Sized Wearable is the Trend- Rufus Cuff New Wearable


When it comes to fancy gadgets and other forms of technological gizmos, their relative smaller size is one of their most admired attributes. People fancy small high tech equipments due to their trendy nature and how relatively easy it is to carry and handle them around, but Rufus Lab is taking on a contrary different approach. By launching the Rufus cuff, they are openly implying that going large is the best alternative when it comes to high tech gadgets. The Rufus cuff is an advanced gadget worn on the wrist and resembles the wristwatch, smartphone and the computer in terms of functionality.

About the Device

In simpler sense this is a relatively smaller version of the ordinary tablet that is meant to be worn on the wrist. This ‘wrist watch’ actually surfaced two years ago on Indiegogo but has since been revived currently and is available for beginner customers at a price of around $240 per piece. This product boasts a water resistance capability that widens the number of occasions that where the user can use it without causing undue damage to it.

The Design and features

The Design and features
The Rufus cuff has the following distinctive features;

  • It has 3.2 inch Thin Film Transistor (TFT) display
  • It has a TI Cortex processor of the model A9
  • Camera located at the front of the screen. This is particularly useful for those who like taking selfies either alone or at social conventions for instance taking selfies with friends at the beach or in a swimming pool. The camera is also instrumental in video conferencing.
  • The gadget is GPS enabled.
  • It has a Wi-Fi capability and is blue tooth enabled
  • As for storage, it comes in a variety of storage spaces namely eight, sixteen, thirty-two and sixty-four gigabyte memory capacities. These memory spaces can be upgraded in that sequence and of course at an added cost.
  • The gadget runs on the Android operating software and more specifically the Kit Kat version but it can be downgraded or upgraded to Lollipop or Marshmallow depending on preference.
  • The battery of this machine can last up to twelve hours, which is an average working day for enterprise customers.
  • It is designed with Exo-a protective layer that gives it waterproof capability. Furthermore this layer protects it from accumulation of dust from static charges that are generated by constant rubbing to the skin surface. The casing is also shock proof.


Wrist Gadget
As already mentioned this wrist gadget is multifunctional and can perform a variety of tasks that other technological devices can do for instance wristwatches and smartphone. Its features give it its relative advantage over other Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs).

  • The device is portable and can be carried to a variety of locations for which it can be used for its different functions.
  • The battery lasts long enough to do a meaningful work with it, a feature that is particularly important to those who do lot of businesses and are in constant movement or travel.
  • The front camera attribute makes video conferencing easy and one does not have to visit the cyber café to receive or initiate a video call nor does it require carrying personal laptops around in anticipation of such calls.
  • This device is very useful for working out or doing any strenuous exercise that requires both hands in that it acts like an iPod where you can play music with its Bluetooth configured headphones when working out. Music reduces stress of the load at hand.
  • You can send and receive messages on it like an ordinary smartphone.
  • You can also make voice call on it through its dual microphones just like you would do on a normal phone.
  • Rufus cuff comes in a variety of structures and colors and a customer can pre order a design that matches his or her taste.


  • Perhaps one of the first noticeable features of the phone is its size in comparison to a standard wrist where it is meant to be worn. Even though 3.2inch display is not big, it is significantly large for the wrist and this makes it unbearable to wear for more than half of an average day.
  • The device is also very expensive and a price tag of $240 only invites specific category of customers with more disposable income.
  • Besides the weight and size, the structure of the Cuff is in such a way that majority of its body is lies away from the cuffs; this makes it have a tendency to slide of the wrist every time and re-adjusting it to a proper position can be quite tiresome.
  • Keying in data on a limited display screen like the Cuff’s is a daunting task.


This is definitely a new and catchy device that has been developed courtesy of Rufus Labs. It breeds uniqueness due to its ability to combine the functional aspects of different high tech devices into a single multifunctional device. While these attributes are impressive, this trendy gadget has its fair share of disadvantages and as such it is important to do a comprehensive research on it before making a purchase. Weigh its prices against the benefits it purports to deliver and consider those benefits that suit you.


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