A Review of FitSleep

A Review of FitSleep – Facts You Should Know


FitSleep has been featured on countless blogs, sites, and articles. It was recently featured on CrowdFund where it successfully surpassed its goal of $10,000 funding. From the creator of the device, Xuan Yao, FitSleep has 95-99% accuracy in regards to sleep tracking.

Two versions of the FitSleep are in the market currently. One bears an Alpha Wave tech that they are calling E-Lullaby, emits alpha waves and which are sure to help you sleep faster. The other version has the sleep tracking functionality.

Looking at the pricing, FitSleep is priced higher than the other devices in the class. The average price is around $149 for the version without alpha wave tech. This is more costly compared to Sense monitor though equally rated as the S+ sleep tracker. For the version that comes with the alpha wave tech, the price stands at around $189.

According to those who have had the chance to use the Alpha Wave version, they have testified of its ability to speed sleep. Although the interface is not as intuitive as you would want it to be, some updates have been made and which adds to its functionality. So far, the metrics are accurate and can be compared to the Fitbit wearables.

Other aspects of the FitSleep that are worth looking at are:


Sleep Tracking Design
This sleep tracker is flat, small and a very lightweight device. You may be forgiven for thinking that this is a shirt button. This is a huge plus for the device as the idea of having a huge piece of tech sitting next to you as you sleep to track your sleep is creepy and unappealing. What is even worse is the possibility of having flashing lights as you sleep, purely annoying. The design adopted by FitSleep has none of these aspects and is clearly one of the most unobtrusive sleep trackers in the market at the moment. You cannot feel it in your pillow as you drift away in your sleep.

Vibration and pressure sensing helps the tracker to know when one is in bed. It can also detect your heart rate and also your breathing vibrations. The device is so sensitive that it can tell when two people are sleeping on the bed and even go a step further to detect who to track depending on how close each person is to the device. This brings into focus one misdoing which is that the tracker cannot keep track of two people simultaneously.

The battery can last for 30 days on a single charge and has no life indicator, and therefore you do not have to worry about getting annoying vibrations. However, this may be tricky as one does not know when to charge the device.

Sleep Tracking

Fitsleep Tracker
The setup on this device is fairly easy as you only need to press the center button to sync with the mobile app. The device is then left in the bedroom to track your sleep. It is important to note that it only tracks full night sleep and not naps.
The device gives a rating that is up to 100 and the higher it is, the better your sleep. This data is synced manually to the mobile app after waking up. Upon tracking for some time, the device will even offer tips on how to sleep better. Though the tips may be contradicting at times, they are all the same helpful.

Sleep Features

Sleep Feature
FitSleep can track the resting heart rate and also the respiratory rate although more tests need to be done so as to verify the accuracy of the readings. By monitoring the respiratory pattern, the device can emit the alpha waves correctly.

Another feature of this device is the smart alarm which detects when you are most energetic so that the device can wake you up.

Sleep App

The FitSleep app is not one of the most intuitive in the class but is good enough for the function. Even though the updates made have improved the navigation in the app, there is still room for improvement. The app also provides sleep related articles on the platform, and according to the creator, the developers ensure that the content is frequently refreshed.

The tracker leader boards allow one to get an in-depth look at their sleep patterns and even compare their stats to those of their friends although I do not see how that is useful but probably it is motivational.


The FitSleep design is rightly a good device so far, but on the usability and functionality, much needs to be done. Although the tracking is to some extent accurate, some of the figures do not make sense. An overhaul of the app is the necessity to improve understandability, and even though quite pricey, it serves the intended function without a doubt.


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