Lief Therapeutics

Lief Therapeutics Review – Facts You Should Know


Lief is a uniquely designed ECG wearable that is capable of measuring your breath and heart rate. It then uses your unique details to teach you some of the best ways to control stress response of your body. This product can be purchased online for people looking to manage their anxiety and stress. Once you’ve placed Lief on your chest, it will use its ECG sensors to monitor your breath and heart. Afterward, the device will teach you ways to control natural stress responses of your body through a biofeedback that is safe and gentle.

How it Works?

Lief has an app and contains a sensor. For it to work, the user has to place it on their chest, where it performs the function of a smart patch to monitor the activity of the heart. Once Lief has detected possible stress signs in the heart, it vibrates to assist guide your breath. The user doesn’t even need to look through the app, but should only follow the vibrations.

The user is required to set a routine after they have placed Lief on the chest. The routine helps train them physical and mental skills to help improve their self-regulation ability. Each day, a session lasts for not more than three minutes. The best thing about Lief is that the sessions can be performed at any given time and place. Some daily sessions to undergo with Lief include:

  • Control – to learn how heart rates can be controlled together with focus and concentration to increase performance.
  • Resilient – this helps the user to develop a calmer mental state and nervous system to improve their external events resilience.
  • Nudge – to reinforce unique exercises or practices
  • Calm – to reinforce healthy and deep breathing to help relax the mind

listen heart

Lief works by encouraging the user to undergo various self-regulation and self-control exercises through the day. If a user goes through these exercises daily, they are in a position to learn ways to have better control over their bodily responses and their body as a whole. As the user is going through their daily routine, the Lief wearable monitors their heart rate variability, breathing and heart rate to recognize their anxiety patterns and stress.

The Lief App

After Lief has gathered your physiological information, it manages it using the Lief mobile application. One thing about the Lief mobile application is the Lief Health Score. This feature allows the user to monitor their practice exercises as well as their daily progress based on the needs of their body. Moreover, the application promises to untangle and uncover thinking patterns that affect the user’s body negatively. With the application, the user is in a position to access these features:

  • Mood rating
  • Audio exercises
  • Thought records
  • CBT interventions toolkit
  • Progress reviews

Lief Therapeutic Pricing

Lief comes in two different versions including the Lief Pro and the Lief Smart. On the company’s official website here is how pricing works:

  • Lief Pro $279
  • Lief Smart Patch $229

Lief App

Lief Tech Specifications

  • Data storage of approximately 64MB and 128MB for Lief Pro
  • Bluetooth wireless LE
  • Biocompatibility: hypo-allergic medical grade silicone and stickers are easy to remove and safe
  • Sensor- three axis accelerometer, ECG sensor
  • Battery- approximately one week with a single charge. It takes one hour to charge completely via a micro-USB
  • Data- movement, breath cycle, heart rate variability, and heart rate
  • Feedback- vibration or haptic feedback
  • Insights- breathe coherence level, stress level, mood, autonomic nervous system balance, and vagal tone

Should You Purchase Lief Therapeutic?

Lief is an excellent product that will considerably enhance your capability to regulate your body by yourself. Also, it will help enhance your mindfulness. This unique product is expected to be released come the spring of 2017. However, if you don’t want to wait until the official launch, you can pre-order either Lief Pro or Lief Smart Patch at $279 and $229 respectively.

With Lief, you will be able to track your heart and breathing rate and know more about your personal health. In case Lief detects signs of anxiety or stress, it responds by vibrating to take you through some exercises for stress relief. Additionally, you might choose to go through exercises for stress and anxiety relief throughout the day. These exercises involve short sessions lasting for three minutes and below.

See More: Bitome’s Wearable: BioMetric Hydration Healthcare Diagnostic Company


Lief is a product to look out for if you want to manage your anxiety and stress levels. Its manufacture is known as Lief Therapeutics. It uses a 3-axis accelerometer and ECG sensor to relieve stress. This product comes in two versions that have different storage features. Also, it comes with a wireless Bluetooth LE and an excellent battery life. A single charge can last Lief up-to a week. It is able to measure heart rate, movement, breath cycle and heart rate variability. It provides feedbacks using haptic vibrations. With Lief, you will successfully regulate your body by yourself, and most importantly, your mindfulness will be enhanced.


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