Matrix PowerWatch

Matrix PowerWatch Or Call It A Smartwatch Because “YOU POWER IT”


Smartwatch has got another turn after the development of Matrix PowerWatch. It is a device that is designed in a way that it is charged by your body heat. They have provided you with a potential solution to batteries since you don’t have to charge it.

It measures your level of activity, sleep, and calories burned by use of advanced thermoelectric technology.

Most of the smartwatches available on the market today have various features such as music, apps, notifications, LTE, etc. However, in most of them, you have to charge it.

You have to remember to recharge them in order to use it. Matrix PowerWatch solves this for you, and you don’t have to worry about forgetting your charger when going for any kind of trip.

The Manufacturer of Matrix PowerWatch

Matrix PowerWatch Manufacturer

This smartwatch is manufactured by Matrix Industries. It is founded by Akram Boukai.

They use a unique thermal technology that harnesses your body energy to run its processor. They claim that it is the first wearable to be powered by warmth.

The Design of This smartwatch

This watch is designed in a way that it is user-friendly. It has a tough nylon strap and a diameter of 46mm.

The manufacturer designed this watch in a way that it harnesses your body heat for it to operate. It solves the big battery problem. It employs a microprocessor produced by Ambiq Micro. The processor is said to be the lowest-power consuming.

The Features of Matrix PowerWatch

Matrix PowerWatch Features

  • Power meter

    The body meter measures the number of electric power that your body generates. It is made of blocks that are circling the watch face. It gets fuller as your body temperature increases.

  • You don’t have to charge it

    This smartwatch runs by use of your body heat. It stores your data in its memory and goes to sleep when you take it off. When you put it back, the watch turns on right away and goes back to where you left it.

  • Water resistance

    Matrix PowerWatch Water resistance

    This device is water resistant to 50M. The manufacturer claims that it rates highly on the market as compared to other smartwatches with its groundbreaking water resistance capability.

  • It is highly customizable

    It is easy to make this device yours. It has fully customizable options allowing you to change its face to suit your mood.

  • Battery

    This device has a 200mAh battery that allows you to fully utilize your smartwatches features. The manufacturer claims that it lasts for 2 years when idle.

  • It has a powerwatch app

    Matrix PowerWatch Powerwatch App

    This application is installed on your Android or iOS phone. It allows you to visualize the number of calories burned, steps taken, and whether you are getting a quality sleep all night long. This app even displays the amount of electric power you produce during the day just like an electric meter.

    The app allows you to share data with your friends with this smartwatch. You can also setup competitions with your friends to see who can burn the most calories or who generates the most power.

    You can also compare data from your previous data to see whether you are improving.

This watch connects to your phone via Bluetooth. The app allows you to set your goals for the steps and distance you intend to undertake.

How Matrix PowerWatch Works?

Matrix PowerWatch Working

This smartwatch works by use of advanced thermoelectric technology. Its display turns on after a few seconds of contact with your skin. It displays a four-bar power meter on the screen.

The manufacturer claims that it only requires one bar to operate its basic functions. It measures the number of calories you burn, your activity level, and your sleep. It works by:

  • Counting your calories

    A calorie is the number of heat energy produced by the human body. This device counts the amount of calories that are converted into heat. The manufacturer claims that it measures accurately the number of calories your burn.

  • Tracks your sleep

    This device monitors the quality of your sleep and you never have to worry about charging it in the morning.

The Availability And Pricing Of Matrix PowerWatch

This smartwatch is available on the market for a retail price of $199. Its new model will be available as from January 2018.

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Having a watch with a dead battery is the biggest problem that many are striving to avoid. This is because at times you may tend to forget to plug it in time or even its charger when traveling. This makes it be inconvenient. With Matrix PowerWatch, it solves these issues of a dead battery.

The startup smartwatch has harnessed your body’s heat to power Matrix PowerWatch. It displays your sleep quality, calories burned, and level of activity.


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