Best Kid’s Wearable

Best Kid’s Wearable Bringing New Opportunities to the Market


The kids section of the wearables market is becoming more established by the day and is continually offering new opportunities to the entire wearables market. Devices such as smart are driving this agenda as parents are realizing the importance that these devices could offer. Parents have gained interest in the basic functionalities that smart watches offer such as voice, tracking and messaging. There have also been interest in the wearable trackers and as we look to possible health trackers in the future, the demand in this section of the market can only go higher.

Of key importance are the trackers which enable the parents to rest easy and to know that they are safe at any time of the day by tracking their every movement. Let’s therefore look at the best kid’s trackers that are being offered in the market today.

1. Lineable

This is one of the cheapest options which come at just $10. This mostly because it is expected to last to a year after purchase. The device is water and dust proof and the battery does not require charging. Although it has range of only 65-98 feet, the device offers the option for anyone else with a Lineable app to help in locating your child through Crowdsource GPS.

2. My buddy tag

This tracker makes use of Bluetooth and hence is considerably cheaper. The device offers a primal function of tracking and also may help in prevention of accidental drowning. The device gives a panic alarm to the parents in case the child is in a life threating situation. Additionally, it offers a personal ID which can help to reunite a lost child to its parents.

The device comes in various designs all of which are waterproof. It has a minimal range of 40 feet while indoors and 80-120 in the outdoors but is worth the money investment.

3. Pocket Finder

Pocket Finder
This is the first device on this list that makes use of GSM and GPS. Although the design is not as flashy as others in the list, it is solid enough and you can be sure it will not break. The tracker which has a circular design has a unique tap alert which enables the kids to send SOS messages by tapping on it three times.

The device also has an accelerometer which alerts the parents when a set speed is passed. It comes in two plan packages i.e. the Canada, US and Mexico plan at $12.95 and an international plan which is $29.95.

4. Weenect kids

This newer addition to the kids tracking section. It comes in a tracker that is water resistant, USB charger and a protective pouch. The buyer is also provided with a month of tracking for free. It tracks by using a compass plus distance countdown, live map or an impressive augmented reality.
The tracker has an SOS button and a zone entry and exit for kids who are older. It also feature an entry and exit functionality which alerts parents when the kid get home or goes out. The device works in the whole of Europe plus Australia, Madagascar, Ghana, India, Korea and Malaysia.

5. Tinitell

This device has two key aspects which make it stand out in the competition. These are; voice recognition and GPS tracking ability on a live map. The device works seamlessly with every type of micro SIM. The way it works is really simple as if the kid is lost or just needs attention, all he or she needs to do to connect a call is to press push the front button and say the name of intended recipient.

This is by all means and standards a mini phone. It presents a clever and innovative means of communication which can only be likened to star trek.

6. Loc8tor for kids

This is currently one of the most sought after tracking devices that use GPS and which are based on a subscription plan. You only need to attach this device on a child’s pocket or throw it in their pocket. You can then keep up with their movement through a browser or a smartphone app.

You may opt to use an internet device to see the kid’s location on a live map or just set safe zone perimeters which will bar kids from going into dangerous places such as railways. One unique thing is that it can be used worldwide.

7. Amber Alert GPS smart locator

Amber Alert GPS Smart Locator
This GPS tracing device has a minimal size but manages to pack a lithium battery that can be recharged. The battery is able to go up to 40 hours of active use after a full charge. By simply putting this device in your kid’s pockets, you can trace their movements through a smartphone app that is compatible with both the iOS and Android or through a browser.

The parent and kid can also communicate through the two way voice functionality and even establish safe zone boundaries. The parent is also able to get an instant email or text alert if a kid get close to a home of a registered pedophile. In case of emergency or panic, the kid can press the SOS button and a message is instantly sent to the parent plus ten other registered users.

8. Filip 2

Although this app is only available to US citizens currently it is still a great alternative. By using a 2G network, the 5 preassigned numbers can send messages to the tracker though the kids cannot reply. In addition to GSM and GPS, the device also has WI-FI which makes it a perfect tracker device.

The parent can even track several kids at a go through the Filip app. The parent can also set a maximum of 5 safe zone s which will alert the parent incase the kids strays off boundaries.

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The advances in wearable technology have been huge in the recent years. Some of these devices are able to achieve what was thought to be impossible some years back. The kids market is an up and coming area that is pushing this innovation boom a notch higher. Manufacturers should aim to tap into the opportunities that this new market offers.


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